Challenges in prisons: an analysis of the penitentiary crisis.

  • Luis Ramiro Ayala Ayala Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Oscar Gonzalo Jácome Merino Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Eduardo Luciano Hernández Ramos Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: overcrowding and prison crisis, prisoners, disputes, gangs, lack of justice


The crisis in Ecuador's prisons, marked by more than 360 prisoners murdered in the last two years, overcrowding and lack of justice, reveals the complexity of the penitentiary system. Despite President Lasso's promises since May 2021, no significant improvements have been achieved. This article analyzes the causes and manifestations of the crisis, the discrepancy between rhetoric and government actions, prison policies and proposes solutions; Furthermore, it highlights restorative justice as an alternative to prison. It is based on secondary sources and interviews with judicial officials.
