The purpose of this work is to present the design of a research protocol, which, based on pedagogical research, is part of the thesis in option for the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, which the author of this work carries out at the Study Center for Educational Quality and Scientific Research (CECEIC) of Toluca, State of Mexico, which directs attention to improving the learning of Differential Calculus in High School students, and based on that, is based in the context of th

  • Neisi Guadalupe Estrada Urbina Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
Keywords: learning, differential calculus, research protocol


The purpose of this work is to present the design of a research protocol, which, based on pedagogical research, is part of the thesis in option for the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, which the author of this work carries out at the Study Center for Educational Quality and Scientific Research (CECEIC) of Toluca, State of Mexico, which directs attention to improving the learning of Differential Calculus in High School students, and based on that, is based in the context of the Preparatory School No. 33 of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro).
