Media literacy for teachers and the new Mexican school: implications in organizational contexts.

  • Fabiola de Jesús Mapén Franco Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: digital skills, new Mexican school, education, public policy, organizational contexts


The intersection between education and information technologies has had a significant impact in various areas; ranging from language -increasing linguistic richness- to the definition and implementation of teaching practices. The New Mexican School (NEM) as a pedagogical proposal based on a humanistic approach forms a new scenario with structural implications in the educational context. As an educational policy, its implementation demands various resources (technical, technological, economic, human, and social, among others) and means that favor the materialization of the pedagogical and philosophical principles that the contemporary educational system entails. Digital professional competencies being one of the aspects to strengthen to promote the relevance of professional autonomy in times of curricular change.
