Analysis of the hypersexualization of minors derived from the type of contents present in the mass media.

  • Oscar Roberto Espinoza Lastra Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Evelyn Elizabeth Suárez Espinosa Centro de Capacitación Consulting
  • Fanny Monserrath Alarcón López Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: stereotypes, minors, hypersexualization, parents, mass media


Contemporary concerns about the hypersexualization of boys and girls are intensifying given the increasing access of minors to stereotyped information through mass media. This study, rooted in relevant theoretical frameworks, oriented a field analysis to evaluate parents' perception and acceptance of hypersexualization manifestations in children. Data collection instruments were developed and surveys were applied to parents with children between 7 and 12 years old in the city of Puyo. The results suggest a gradual increase of hypersexualization in boys and girls, driven by the constant influence of mass media.
