Protection of the right to education of minors in human mobility in the city of Ibarra, Ecuador.

  • Carlos Javier Lizcano Chapeta Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Fernanda Yomar Pazos Simbaña Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Diego Xavier Chamorro Valencia Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • José Gregorio Rodríguez Fernández Fundación Koinonía
Keywords: human mobility, right to education, migration


The study addressed the issue of guaranteeing the right to education of children and adolescents in situations of human mobility in Ibarra, Ecuador, in the context of the growing importance of migration. A combined methodology of qualitative and quantitative information was used, with a descriptive approach and documentary and field designs. The results revealed that although local authorities have implemented some mechanisms to ensure access to education, these are not completely effective in addressing the needs and challenges of minors in human mobility. In conclusion, the need to establish comprehensive legal and social mechanisms that promote equity and educational continuity is emphasized.
