Permanence and abandonment of physical activity. From the significance of school adolescents.

  • Kesvan Edwing Aviles Salgado Universidad de Puebla
Keywords: physical activity, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, culture of care and sustainability


There are currently 5.3 million deaths per year in the world attributed to the obesity-physical activity-chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) triad, given the culture/attitude of disinterest and indifference of contemporary society. The present study aims to understand from the significance of school adolescents the permanence and abandonment of physical activity. The qualitative-interpretative research approach and the biographical-narrative methodology were used, from which we found the categories: physical appearance, healthy life, easy life, competitiveness and success, family habitus, socialization and emotions as meanings of permanence and abandonment of physical activity of school adolescents. This urgently calls for a culture/attitude of care and a holistic, systemic, and comprehensive view of the problem.
