Digital technologies in the Agricultural Mechanical Engineering career.

  • Nadia Rosa Chaviano Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • José Ramón Soca Cabrera Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Alejandro Revilla Chaviano Universidad Politécnica de Texcoco
Keywords: digital technologies, engineering, students, teachers


The objective of the study is to characterize the use of digital technologies in the Agricultural Mechanical Engineering degree at the Autonomous University of Chapingo to strengthen the teaching-learning process. The research is descriptive, transversal and with a qualitative-quantitative approach. The sample is intentional, made up of 51 students to whom an online questionnaire was applied. Among the fundamental findings are: the positive perception of students about the use of digital technologies in the educational process, self-assessment and research, as well as their mastery of them; likewise, there is insufficient use of them by teachers in terms of making pedagogical decisions to use them in classes.
