Vocation, Motivation and Good Teaching Practices with the use of technology in learning for the school-based modality.

  • Karina Peña Rios Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • María Elena Urdiales Ibarra Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Keywords: teacher training, motivation, vocation, microlearning


In university education, the role of the teacher has evolved from that of a mere transmitter of knowledge to that of a facilitator of learning. This change demands mastery of both Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) to foster skills relevant to students' professional future. Teacher transformation, supported by motivational theories from Maslow to Pérez López, demands an intrinsic commitment to adopt innovative pedagogical approaches. In this research, microlearning, based on cognitive theories, is proposed as a training strategy to enhance educational quality and teacher motivation, optimizing the integration of technology in teaching.
