Essential influence of neuroplasticity to optimize learning potential in Primary Education

  • Marbella Flores Velasco Escuela Normal de San Felipe del Progreso
  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos de la Universidad de Las Tunas
Keywords: neuroplasticity, teaching-learning process, primary education


This article delves into the crucial, yet underexplored role of neuroplasticity within the context of Primary Education. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach, it examines the influence of the brain’s adaptive capacity on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, identifying a discrepancy between the current and ideal functioning. The article advocates for the necessity to research and transform this situation through specialized strategies that stimulate neuronal plasticity, thereby fostering more effective learning, motivation, and well-being. It proposes the integration of a diverse range of stimuli, feedback, and optimal conditions conducive to neuroplasticity. The article concludes by emphasizing the unique opportunity that the primary stage presents to maximize the benefits of neuroplasticity through interdisciplinary approaches that enhance the quality of education
