Self-esteem in university students in the area of Nutrition.

  • Ángel Esteban Torres Zapata Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Juan Eduardo Moguel Ceballos Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Teresa del Jesús Brito Cruz Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
Keywords: self-esteem, competence, Rosenberg scale, mental health


Self-esteem, made up of physical, cognitive, sexual, social and moral dimensions, contributes to personal image and this can affect mental health and academic performance. The purpose is to determine the self-esteem levels of nutrition students from three higher education institutions. The study was multicenter with a quantitative approach and non-probabilistic sampling. The Rosenberg scale was used to measure levels of self-esteem. 50.98% of university students presented high levels of self-esteem, 49.02% showed self-esteem difficulties. There is a statistically significant difference based on the level of self-esteem according to age, recommending the implementation of mentoring and channeling strategies, thus allowing attention according to age and school cycles.
