Scientific production in the field of psychology in the southwest and southeast region of Mexico.

  • María Elena Luna Morales Centro de Investigación y de estudios Avanzados-IPN
  • Evelia Luna Morales Centro de Investigación y de estudios Avanzados del IPN
Keywords: scientific production, impact on citations, regions of Mexico, southeast region, southwest region


The participation of the scientific and academic community assigned to the field of psychology in the southwest and southeast regions of the country is analyzed through the publications registered in Scholar in the period 2018-2023. The work is based on the bibliometric method to generate production and citation indicators. The results showed that the regions analyzed report a high production of publications, which obtain high recognition from their peers through citations, where the participation of Chiapas stands out in the case of the Southwest region and Yucatán in the region. southeast. Local topics predominate, published in magazines mainly published at the national and regional level.
