Effect of risky eating behaviors on the subjective well-being of high school adolescents.

  • Evelyn Yazmin Estrada Nava Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Marcela Veytia López Instituto de Estudios Sobre la Universidad
  • Rosalinda Guadarrama Guadarrama Instituto de Estudios Sobre la Universidad
  • Marcela Pérez Rodríguez Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Keywords: eating behaviors, adolescent development, eating disorders, well-being, negative and positive emotions


Risky eating behaviors (REB) are associated with negative affective states in people with eating disorders (ED). Its effect on subjective well-being (SWB) in adolescents without ED has not been reported. Objective: To evaluate the effect of REB on the SWB of high school adolescents. Methodology: cross-sectional study in adolescents aged 14 to 17 years. Informed consent and assent were obtained. The PANAS, life satisfaction and CBCAR questionnaires were applied. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: The presence of REB (ExpB=3.40, IC95%: 2.11-5.49) and being a woman (ExpB=1.49, IC95%:1.03-2.15) increased the probability of having low SWB. Conclusions: These behaviors had a negative effect on the SWB of adolescents.
