Citizen competencies and mental health: panoramic literature review

  • Guillermo Staaden Mejía Universidad Metropolitana
Keywords: citizenship skills, mental health, well-being, quality of life


The literature review that addresses the relationship between CC citizenship competencies and SM mental health is documented with 10 reviewed electronic databases, 89 selected texts, years of publication from 2018 to 2023 and Spanish, English, and Portuguese languages. It is synthesized as support for the research project “City, citizenship and mental health: Barranquilla case”, DEHUMS Group, Metropolitan University of Barranquilla, Colombia. A database that describes the documents by title, link, results, bibliography, and type of document was used with the Prism Method of panoramic reviews. As results, a relationship between CC, social and emotional learning as a protector of SM is evident. The conclusion is that the development and appropriation of CC entails models of healthy relationships in the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of the societal bond
