Tax incentives aimed at farmers dedicated to rice production in the province of Los Ríos

  • Marcia Esther España Herrería Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Jhonny Rafael Casco Chávez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Karla Mercedes Morejón Vásquez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: tax regulations, economic sectors, rice producers, taxpayers, benefits


This study examines the tax liability of rice farmers, analyzing the equitable impact of tax benefits in the province. It seeks to identify disparities in the distribution of incentives and propose regulatory adjustments to ensure equity. Focusing on rice agriculture, it contributes to the understanding of tax complexities and highlights factors that influence equitable access to benefits. The relevance transcends academia, offering practical implications for agricultural policy. It identifies disparities for specific recommendations and advocates for essential policy adjustments. It facilitates dialogue between policymakers and agricultural stakeholders, fostering constructive changes and improvements in tax efficiency
