Distinguishing between Dow Jones and Nasdaq: comparison of stock market indices

  • Martha Elizabeth Guaigua Vizcaíno Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Paulina Elizabeth Salas Medina Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Roberto Rolando López López Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: international stock market, Ecuador, Dow Jones, Nasdaq


The international stock market, represented by indexes such as the Dow Jones and Nasdaq, plays a crucial role in investment decision making; however, the understanding of financial concepts in today's society is limited or non-existent, which underlines the importance of analyzing people's financial lifestyle in relation to their income, savings, expenses, debts and other financial aspects. This research focused on the financial lifestyle in Ecuador, using an explanatory approach and methods of documentary research, analysis-synthesis, and construction of a model of functionality. The results shed light on the current financial lifestyle and laid the foundations for a more solid financial development in the country
