The impact of three decades (1990-2020) of educational reforms to Normal Education.

  • Guadalupe Iván Martínez Chairez Escuela Normal Rural Ricardo Flores Magón
  • Claudia Celina Gaytán Díaz Centro de Investigación y Docencia
Keywords: educational reform, teacher training, Normal education, teacher performance, teacher evaluation


The purpose of this article is to describe the educational reforms regarding teacher training implemented in the last three decades and analyze their impact on public normal schools. The research was guided by an interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative perspective and through a documentary study. From the analysis it is clear that the government's political discourse has changed in relation to teaching, but the admission and promotion procedures in basic education emanating from neoliberal policies still remain in force, which have increased the demand for graduates from public or private universities. without giving relevance to the initial teacher training that he himself does through his curriculum in normal schools.
