Emotions in Latin American education. Analysis from the critical curricular study and corporal pedagogy.

  • Nancy Lagos Apablaza Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Felipe Mujica Johnson Universidad de Chile
Keywords: pedagogy, emotions, epistemology, curriculum, ethics


This essay is a continuity of other epistemological, pedagogical, curricular, and corporal studies on Latin American pedagogy, as well as on emotions in education. Specifically, it proposes to reflect on emotions in education based on a critical curricular rationality, visualizing possibilities of pedagogical experiences in different contexts of formal education located in Latin America. In its development, the category of emotional education is problematized, recognizing that it is a category that can be dangerous for the achievement of emancipatory educational experiences that favor a situated and democratic ethical-political formation. Four educational links that are being addressed in formal education are described, exposing the risks of being developed from technical curricular rationalities and hegemonic practices. Finally, suggestions are made for a critical and corporal education of emotions.
