Percepción de aspectos geográficos que determinan la elección de un posgrado.

  • Lilia Marisol Lilia Marisol Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • José de Jesús Peinado Camacho Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Rosa Amalia Gómez Ortiz Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Keywords: federative entity, geographical location, students, postgraduate


The objective of this research was to determine the geographical aspects that interact in the choice of postgraduate studies to establish its relevance. The methodology used was qualitative. It was non-experimental research with a cross-sectional and exploratory design. The method used was empirical-analytical. The sample was non-probabilistic. The results found showed positive geographical aspects related to the area and its easy location. The negative geographical aspects focused on the distance they must travel, the distance from home and the traffic on the way. It is concluded that geographical aspects are measured elements that eventually influence when choosing a postgraduate degree.
