Methodological strategies for the effective use of interactive books used in the improvement of reading comprehension of eighth grade students.

  • Lisbeth Estefanía Loor Arcos Unidad Educativa Enrique Ponce Luque
  • Karen Marilyn Vélez Barahona Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
  • Karla Fernanda González Vizuete Universidad Espíritu Santo
  • Elizabeth Esther Vergel De Salazar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador
Keywords: methodological strategies, interactive books, reading comprehension, educational field, information and communications technology


This research aimed to design methodological strategies for the effective use of interactive books to enhance the reading comprehension of eighth-grade students at Enrique Ponce Luque Educational School. Strategies developed from survey analysis and significant statistical correlations, included reading groups, videos and animations, interactive activities, and real-time feedback systems in interactive books. Validated through expert criteria, these strategies were highly regarded for their innovation and potential educational impact, emphasizing the crucial role of technology in contemporary education.
