Digital competences in high school students.

  • Emmanuel Esaú Díaz Valiente Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena
  • Ricardo Medina Chicaiza Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Keywords: education, digital competencies, technologies, students, learning


Technology has caused the educational environment to evolve, which demands the development of digital competencies that allow adapting to virtual teaching-learning processes. In this context, the objective of the study is to detail how the use of technologies contributes to digital competencies for students and teachers. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out in databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus and Scielo, and a methodological procedure based on four stages: problem definition, search, organization and analysis-synthesis of information. In conclusion, it reflects relevant data as theoretical contributions, methodologies and strategies immersed in digital competences associated with the educational process of high school students; becoming a key element of pedagogical practices.
