Didactic intervention in the metabolic biochemistry course in undergraduate nutrition students.

  • Ángel Esteban Torres Zapata Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Teresa del Jesús Brito Cruz Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Addy Leticia Zarza-García Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Juan Eduardo Moguel Ceballos Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Heberto Romeo Priego Álvarez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Keywords: didactic intervention, metabolic biochemistry, effectiveness, university students


The effectiveness of a didactic sequence in metabolic biochemistry for nutrition students was evaluated. A quantitative and descriptive approach was used with a non-probabilistic sample, identifying learning styles with the Honey-Alonso questionnaire. A sequence adapted to these styles and the failure rate was designed. A high failure rate (43.89%) was initially identified in previous generations. Then, 41 students were evaluated to identify learning styles and evaluate an 80-hour sequence with various activities. The average grade was 83.23 ± 7.49, with a failure rate of 4.88%. The students valued the experience positively, validating a teaching model focused on learning styles for the development of generic and specific competencies of the graduation profile.
