Advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence by students, teachers and educational institutions.

  • Jorge Luis García Alcaraz Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • José Roberto Díaz Reza Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Jorge Limón Romero Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Keywords: artificial intelligence, learning, teachers, students


The objective of the work is to carry out a review of the advantages and disadvantages that have been reported about the use of these AIs, which are analyzed for the three entities that participate in the educational process: students, teachers and HEIs. The results indicate that AIs offer many advantages related to the efficiency of all entities, however, there are also many disadvantages associated with the use of AIs. It is concluded that AIs are good and that HEIs must monitor their use in order to maximize their advantages and minimize their disadvantages.
