Teaching and organizational skills in graduate students in Education.

  • Alba del Carmen Valenzuela Santoyo Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato
Keywords: teaching skills, organizational skills, teacher training, postgraduate studies, Mexico


The main objective of the study was to determine the levels of development of didactic and organizational skills in graduate students in education, differentiating by educational program, age and sex. The design was quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive-comparative. A sample of 72 graduate students from the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato was obtained. An instrument for sociodemographic data and the Scale of Organizational and Didactic Teaching Competencies [ESCOD] were used. The main findings identified developed levels of didactic and organizational skills, with a better assessment of organizational skills. Although no significant differences were found by sex or educational program, significant relationships were found between age and the development of didactic skills of the participants.
