Community education, community psychology, and critical pedagogy faced with globalization.

  • Cristina Andrea Martínez Ramírez Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca
Keywords: community education, community psychology, critical pedagogy, globalization


The global era has brought a series of changes, evolutions and adjustments in various social, economic, political, cultural and environmental processes. Definitely, globalization is a phenomenon that has also had an impact on educational and psychological processes, analyzed from personal, academic, collective and institutional perspectives. Concepts that simultaneously represent human processes present in communities, such as community education, community psychology and critical pedagogy, are crossed by the global era, which leads to resizing them in various processes that manifest themselves in the educational and psychological fields; hence, Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Community and Globalization are concepts and processes that are intertwined and articulated in contemporary times in convergent and divergent scenarios.
