Modern teaching strategies in primary education in Bogotá.

  • Judy Marcela Rueda Santana Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
  • Erick Aurelio Puentes Gómez Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Keywords: educational environment, primary education, educational gamification, teacher training


This study has focused on analyzing the impact of innovative teaching-learning strategies on fifth grade students in an educational institution in Bogotá, Colombia. To do so, the perception of teachers and students on various educational strategies implemented was analyzed through documentary analysis. In addition, the VIKOR and Entropy methods were applied to evaluate the strategies according to specific criteria of importance. Among the results obtained, it was shown that the strategies most valued by teachers were those that facilitated practical and effective implementation in the classroom, such as gamification and the use of educational technologies. A positive impact was observed in the development of social and collaborative skills among students.
