Integration of the analytic hierarchy process for low-power electric scooter regulations

  • Patty Elizabeth Del Pozo Franco Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Lia Margarita De Mora Campi Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Iyo Alexis Cruz Piza Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: scooters, AHP, regulations


The objective of the study is to identify the best practices and regulations for the regulation of low-power electric motorcycles in Ecuador, using Hierarchical Process Analysis based on expert criteria, weighing key criteria such as environmental impact, economic feasibility, social acceptance, technical feasibility and road safety. The results show aspects of how to encourage use through subsidies and development of charging infrastructure, as well as how the integration of electric scooters into the public transportation system are alternatives that need to be developed in conjunction with the clarification of regulations. The findings highlight the need to specify clear regulations for electric motorcycles, promote charging infrastructure, and encourage incentives for the adoption of electric vehicles.
