Spatial and territorial equity for the city-port of Chancay, 2024.

  • Arturo Yep Abanto Universidad César Vallejo
Keywords: port facility, urban area, urban planning, municipal government, land use


The objective of the study was to analyze spatial and territorial equity for the city-port of Chancay, 2024. The type of research was basic, qualitative approach and exploratory descriptive level. The documentary technique was applied in order to increase the notion of the concepts of spatial and territorial equity. The analysis of theories and historical precedents on the subject of study was carried out to understand the categories. The units of analysis were scientific articles whose journals are indexed in SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science and information hosted in virtual libraries. Finally, we sought to identify initiatives for change between the public and private sectors to promote the growth and sustainable development of the city of Chancay.
