Organizational culture of cocoa and chocolate producers in Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico.

  • Vinicio Calderón Bolaina Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Aurora Ramírez Meneses Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
  • Rosa del Carmen Sánchez Trinidad Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
  • Ana Ruth Ulloa Pimienta Tecnológico Nacional de México
Keywords: second-order observation, social systems theory, empowerment


The influential factors in the organizational culture of cocoa and chocolate producers in Comalcalco Tabasco were known, how they operate communicatively to maintain their system, being observed, from the Luhmann theory. The analysis of interviews with key people in the organization “La Campesina”, dedicated to adding value to cocoa, indicated that it has been organized based on kinship in its operations. Self-referential decisions are structurally differentiated between those structural couplings that come from the personnel who work in the organization and the social, economic, political and family systems. In its hetero-reference, a recognition is distinguished that is differentiated, not only at the state and country level, but also at the international level.
