Floats: A cultural legacy from renaissance to modernity.

  • Delia Angélica Tirado Lozada Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • José Luis Viteri Medina Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Keywords: float, festivity, historical evolution, cultural influence, social significance


Floats have been fundamental in festivities, encompassing social, political, religious, and cultural aspects. This study compiles photographic evidence of their evolution from the Renaissance to modern times, focusing on their significance and influence. A qualitative approach was employed with a bibliographic review in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The analysis followed seven stages proposed by Peña (2022). The results show a clear evolution in the uses and modes of presentation of floats over time. This evolution has helped define the society and historical periods in which they were used, as well as the meaning attributed to them. Thus, it is possible to better understand the legacy that floats have left in history.
