Application of the CRITIC+RATIO method to the analysis of labor exploitation in the Ecuadorian agricultural sector.

  • Danny Fabián Hallo Montesdeoca Universidad de Otavalo
  • Germán Eduardo Carrera Pérez Universidad de Otavalo
  • Lady Johana Vallejo Garzón Universidad de Otavalo
  • Mathias Alexander Mantilla Andrade Universidad de Otavalo
Keywords: labor supervision, labor infrastructure, contractual transparency, legislative reform, CRITIC Ratio method


The analysis of labor exploitation in the Ecuadorian agricultural sector, with emphasis on the Furukawa company, reveals inhumane working conditions, unfair labor contracts, lack of registration and basic rights, long and poorly paid working hours, and the use of labor childish. It is proposed to strengthen legislation and its application through improvements in supervision, infrastructure, training programs, contractual transparency and legislative reforms. The application of the CRITIC+RATIO method demonstrates that improving supervision and infrastructure are the most effective strategies to combat modern labor slavery, followed by training, contractual transparency and legislative reform, providing a comprehensive approach to eradicating labor exploitation and protect workers' rights.
