Evaluation of anti-bribery management in the public administration of the canton Ibarra.

  • Sheila Belén Esparza Pijal Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los andes
  • Luis Andrés Crespo Berti Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los andes
  • Lilian Fabiola Haro Terán Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los andes
Keywords: ISO standards, administrative corruption, public management, anti-bribery culture


This research aims to evaluate the Anti-Bribery Management in the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Ibarra Canton based on the application of the ISO 37001:2016 standard. From the information collected, it is verified that the implemented System aligns with the standards provided in the standard, by applying the guidelines for its implementation. Its adoption not only contributes to the fight against bribery and corruption, but also strengthens the integrity, efficiency and reputation of the government entity; However, it is crucial to continue working with officials, with the intention that they generate an anti-corruption culture, free of corruption.
