Territorial empowerment for the development of the cocoa value chain in Guaviare (Colombia).

  • Jorge Alberto Rangel Mendoza Universidad de Los Llanos
  • Amanda Silva Parra Universidad de Los Llanos
  • Jhon Henry Quiceno González Corporación Educativa y Científica COSMOS
Keywords: Cocoa producers, territorial, value chain, cultivation areas, exports


Cocoa producers in Guaviare (Colombia) operate in rural areas where colonization has transformed the forest landscape for coca cultivation, generating social and economic problems. This research reviews actions of territorial and national entities to develop the cocoa value chain, revealing a disarticulation between local demands and national policies. Weaknesses include scarcity of cultivation areas, low yields, phytosanitary problems, inefficient management, disorganization and few incentives for organic certification and value addition. Strengthening the value chain requires expanding cultivation areas, improving interrelationships between actors, increasing institutional presence and promoting agro-industrial transformation for export. Integrating local demands with national policies is crucial for the sustainable development of Guaviare.
