Benefits and challenges of remote work in Ecuador and Colombia.

  • Richard Iván Buenaño Loja Universidad Metropolitana
  • Pedro Gerardo Coello Moreira Unidad Judicial contra la Mujer y Violencia
  • Juan Alberto Vizcaíno Simbaña Firma Legal Services Bureau
Keywords: labor rights, digital disconnection, remote work, labor benefits


Teleworking has experienced significant growth in Ecuador and Colombia, especially driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and facilitated by advances in information technology; therefore, this study has proposed to analyze and evaluate the regulatory framework and practices of teleworking in Ecuador and Colombia to identify benefits, disadvantages and challenges, supported by a detailed analysis of current legislation, case studies and the modeling of the CRITIC AND MOORA method to measure the effectiveness of the proposed measures. The results obtained have identified benefits and disadvantages that are determined. In conclusion, the proposed measures ensure an equitable, productive work environment in harmony with fundamental rights in Ecuador and Colombia.
