Innovative technological solutions for the automation of medication administration in chronic patients.

  • Mario Eduardo Alarcón Angulo Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer del Ecuador SOLCA
  • Marco Antonio Checa Cabrera Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio, Urcuquí
  • Edison Andrés Proaño Lapuerta Instituto Superior Tecnológico 17 de Julio
  • Marcia Lizeth Alarcón Angulo Unidad Educativa Diocesana San Luis
Keywords: patients, chronic diseases, medications, automation, treatments


People with chronic diseases face challenges in strictly following medical treatments, such as forgetting medication schedules, taking incorrect medications, and lack of rigorous record keeping. To address these issues, a medication dispenser was developed that controls and monitors accurate medication administration. The methodology combined the analytical method to identify problems in medication management and the synthetic method to study dosing and design the dispensing system. The implementation of the device has been effective in reducing non-compliance with schedules, avoiding errors and medical negligence. In addition, it contributes to patient control and monitoring, improving adherence to treatments and quality of life.
