The Patrimonial Responsibility of the State: a guarantor tool for the governed to promote the existence of good government.

  • Gustavo Aguilera Izaguirre Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Alejandro Anaya Barbosa Firma Anaya-Barbosa y Asociados S.C
Keywords: patrimonial responsibility of the State, irregular administrative activity, rule of law, good governance, fundamental guarantees


This research aims to carry out a doctrinal study of how the “State Patrimonial Responsibility” establishes a guarantor tool within the reach of the governed, which allows promoting the proper functioning of government bodies, being an institution that not only allows compensating the governed against administrative acts that affect its legal sphere, but also constitutes a training tool for public servants aimed at creating a good government through the good performance of their functions, through the punitive power of the State in the administrative channel. This legal institution is both a demand for those governed, as well as a boost for the proper functioning of government bodies, given its own special nature.
