The judicial function in criminal proceedings and the defense of constitutional rights.

  • Rene Estalin Portilla Paguay Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mayerli Anahí Romero Gutiérrez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Joseline Micaela Chugá Montenegro Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Erik Jhosue Rodríguez Huera Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: judicial procedures, judges, criminal process, money laundering, constitutional rights


The research evaluates the feasibility of implementing faceless judges in Ecuador to prosecute organized crime offenses, guaranteeing rights such as due process and impartiality. Through scientific methods and surveys of magistrates on serious crimes of the Organic Integral Penal Code, it was concluded that it is essential to adopt this figure to protect the integrity of judges and avoid coercion. The implementation of faceless judges would significantly improve Ecuadorian legislation, ensuring a fair and protected administration of justice. In addition, 100% of the lawyers surveyed support this state guarantee. It is suggested to include this figure in the Ecuadorian Constitution to strengthen the judicial system and guarantee its fairness.
