The legal framework for the extradition of drug traffickers and white collar criminals in Ecuador.

  • Rene Estalin Portilla Paguay Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Jairo Mauricio Puetate Paucar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Vanessa Lisseth Montenegro Altamirano Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: extradition, crime, drug trafficking, Ecuador, legal challenges


The article analyzes the relevance and challenges of extradition in Ecuador in the fight against transnational crime, focused on drug trafficking and white collar crimes. The legal community's concern is highlighted about the current limitations of the extradition legal framework, which make the prosecution of international criminals and global cooperation difficult. The need for a thorough legislative review is un derlined to ensure a fair and transparent process. The importance of consulting experts and interested parties in the formulation of extradition policies is highlighted. International collaboration and attention to legal, procedural and ethical challenges are required for the successful implementation of extradition in Ecuador.
