Legal consequences of the entry of prohibited articles in penitentiary centers and its impact on Ecuadorian security.

  • Leonardo Mario Falconí Cárdenas Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Mario Jorge Bonilla Chango Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Fernando Daniel Lalaleo Camino Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: prisons, prohibited items, inmates, violence, overcrowding


The entry of prohibited items into Ecuadorian prisons compromises the security of inmates and the country. Aggravated by corruption, violence among guards, overcrowding and competition among criminal groups, it facilitates the entry of objects for criminal activities. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights recommends preventing corruption and improving prison management, but government inaction has perpetuated the crisis. This qualitative research shows that weapons and drugs fuel violence and the control of criminal gangs. It is crucial to implement strict measures, rehabilitation programs and strengthen prison infrastructure with advanced technology and training. A coordinated approach between the judicial system, law enforcement and civil society organizations is essential to solve this crisis.
