Deepfake: A latent challenge for the safety of Ecuadorian minors in the digital environment.

  • Jairo Mauricio Puetate Paucar Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Giuliana Alejandra Toro Hernández Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Diego Fernando Coka Flores Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: artificial intelligence, deepfake, technological advancement, danger, digital environment


The research identified that technological progress has generated new threats to the rights of children and adolescents, being these groups the most vulnerable in the digital environment. The legal feasibility of regulating deepfake, a technology based on artificial intelligence, to protect the digital rights of minors was explored. The study, of a quantitative and bibliographic nature, evidenced the absence of regulation on artificial intelligence and deepfakes in Ecuador, resulting in the violation of us ers' rights in social networks. It highlighted the need to establish regulations that limit the collection and improper processing of sensitive data for the creation of digital content.
