Consequences of the legalization of assisted dying in Ecuador. Analysis of compensatory fuzzy logic

  • Ignacio Fernando Barcos Arias Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Segundo Heriberto Granja Huacón Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Wilmer Stalyn Coles Gaglay Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
Keywords: assisted suicide, end of life, medical ethics, legal framework, terminal state


The objective of the investigation was to analyze the consequences of the ruling issued on February 5, 2024, by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador, regarding the legalization of assisted death or euthanasia. In this research, a mixed approach methodology was applied, with a descriptive, explanatory and propositional scope, using empirical, theoretical and data processing methods. Compensatory Fuzzy Logic was used to analyze the consequences of euthanasia in Ecuador. The results indicated that the decriminalization of euthanasia could lead to an increase in judicial cases, generating ethical and emotional dilemmas for medical and legal professionals, in addition to a change in the dynamics of end-of-life care.
