Identifying behaviors in sporting events: methodological process for analysis on social networks.

  • Julio Zurita Altamirano Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Christian Barragán Ramírez Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Patricio Medina Chicaiza Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Jairo Villena Aillón Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: methodological procedure, metrics, social channels, social media analytics, professional football teams


This paper proposes a methodological procedure for obtaining metrics for Professional Soccer Teams in Ecuador (EFPE). The problem is based on a zero control of the publications that are made in social networks and ignorance of technological tools that support this activity. Empirical methods such as direct observation and a bibliographic analysis are used; theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and historical-logical, as well as the Fanpage Karma tool to monitor the EFPE accounts. Within the results, the following stages are proposed for the methodological procedure: define the strategic and tactical objectives of the metrics, define the indicators to be evaluated, select the technological tools, monitor the accounts, and collect data, analyze them and present results.
