Phonetic, Syntectical, Semantic and Etymological features of the territorial version of the English Language of Nigeria.

  • Jerome Baghana
  • Tatiana G. Voloshina
  • Anna N. Lukhanina
  • Olga V. Dekhnich
  • Yana A. Glebova. 
Keywords: Globalization, Anglophonia, Nigeria English, phonetic, syntactic


The article deals with the key phonetic, syntactic, semantic and etymological features functioning in the territorial version of the English language of Nigeria. The group of authors analyzes the most important historical factors that made huge influence on the process of Nigeria English formation. Taking into consideration the linguistic and cultural features of the territorial version of the English language of Nigeriathe specific features of the choice of certain lexemes of different thematic groups are identified in the given work.
