Student dropout analysis in careers of technical sciences at UNIANDES university.

  • Ariel Romero Fernández
  • Eddie Robayo Andrade
  • Alfredo Padilla Buñay
  • Luis Álvarez Cortés
  • Hernán Ramiro Pailiacho Yucta. 
Keywords: University dropout, college, explanatory model of Ethington, retention strategies


Currently, the problem of university dropout is aggravated, since most institutions of higher education do not have systematic studies that provide sufficient, timely and reliable information about the causes of students withdrawing before completing their professional training. In the Ecuadorian university environment, student retention strategies are promoted, but the investigation into their causes is not studied in depth. This study aims to analyze the phenomenon in the career of technical sciences of the UNIANDES, through the application of the explanatory model of the Ethington desertion.
