The systematization task in the postgraduate learning guidance.

  • Carlos Manuel Palau Rodríguez
  • Carmen Vidal Rojo
  • Nolaide Delgado Pérez.  
Keywords: Postgraduate education, systematization axis, task systematization, performance mode


Postgraduate education, as the fourth level in the development of the Cuban educational system, dispenses with its continuous improvement in accordance with the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the country approved in the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. In this sense, the present work aims to contribute to improve the direction of the teaching-learning process of the postgraduate. For this, after more than five years of research and as a result of a research project on the performance of the professor at the University of Sancti Spíritus, the definitions of the systematization axis and task are presented. In addition, the mode of action of the teacher in the direction of learning in graduate teaching is characterized.
