The representation of teacher training specialists and Human Resources Management’s experience in identifying the effective factors on merit and professional competencies for recruiting teachers at Farhangian University.

  • Farrokh Ghorbani Namvar
  • Jafar Beikzad
  • Farhad Nejad Irani
  • Nader Bohlouli. 
Keywords: teacher training specialists, Human Resources management, competencies and professional qualifications


Studies in the world show how recruiting based on professional merits leads to economy’s advancement and development. The data collection was done via interviews with focal groups. All interviews were recorded, handwritten and analyzed, analyzing and integrating the main components. Onemain component was identified and by analyzing others, 69 extra components were extracted: teacher self-control, job commitment, intelligence competencies, love for teaching, technological competence and communication competences, flexibility and respect for religions, etc. Of the 69 axes obtained from interviews, attention to internship and forecasting periods are among the most important components as effective factors in upgrading the competence and professional competencies of student teachers.
