Objectives and challenges of ensuring economic and information security in the digital economy.

  • Evgeniy A. Voronin
  • Igor V. Yushin. 
Keywords: digital economy, information security, economic security, artificial intelligence, economic and functional risks


Securing information and economic security is one of the main challenges of the digital economy and although the problem is of an interdisciplinary and multifaceted nature, it focuses on two spheres: economy and information. By restricting access to information through ill-conceived measures to increase their security, we slow down economic growth and at the same time relax the risk of economic losses and risks. Consequently, only a balanced combination of economic security with cybersecurity can guarantee the sustainable economic development of society in the digital environment. The work done by subsidy Russian Foundation for Basic Research 18-29-03056 «Evaluation of information and economic security through automatic learning methods in the information space of the digital economy».
