Innovation potential of vocational education and training institutions as a basis for high quality professional training.

  • Tatyana S. Panina
  • Natalya V. Kostyuk
  • Elena A. Pakhomova
  • Sergey A. Dochkin. 
Keywords: Readiness, professional practice, satisfaction with educational services, quality of vocational training, quality criteria and indicators


The purpose of the study is to develop a practical system to interconnect the innovation potential of the VET institution and to develop the preparation of graduates for professional practice in accordance with the external conditions of the regional system of vocational education. The study confirmed the reasonableness of including the key component "qualified specialist" in the system "economy - labor market - vocational education", which guarantees a continuous and interconnected renewal of resources at each level of systemic activities. The document provides the basis for the methodology for the integrating organization of the learning process, which allows recording, diagnosing and evaluating the educational, professional and personal development of students as future specialists.
