Usage of regions’ innovative activity assessment results for the National Cluster Policy development.

  • Oksana V. Takhumova
  • Anna A. Larionova
  • Natalia A. Zaitseva
  • Elena V. Povorina
  • Natalia O. Vikhrova
  • Elena V. Bykasova
  • Vadim A. Zhukov. 
Keywords: innovation activity, methodical approach, composite index, cluster analysis, cluster policy


The main objective of the work is to clarify and expand methodological approaches to evaluate and register the innovative activity of the region for the development of the national cluster policy. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used, the literature review and an analysis of existing methodological approaches for the evaluation of the innovative activity of the regions. We suggest the system of indicators grouped by input, intermediate and output parameters, according to which the classification of the Russian regions was compiled in reference to the development of innovative activities. The importance of the results obtained is to determine the innovative orientation of the development of the region, of systems and of strategic measures for the revitalization of innovation activities in less developed regions.
