Learning and knowledge technologies: Use of Social Networks in Education at the University level of Ecuador.

  • Patricio Santillán Aguirre
  • Valeria Cadena Vaca
  • Miguel Cadena Vaca. 
Keywords: learning and communication technologies, social networks, higher education


This article is a preview of an ongoing research whose purpose is to generate a theoretical interpretative construct about learning technologies and communication focused on the use of social networks in university education in Ecuador. It is located in the interpretive paradigm under the approach of hermeneutics. The in-depth interview was used to collect information from five selected teachers from the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Faculty of Computer Science and Electronics, Graphic Design career. Among the conclusions highlight the university efforts to improve the capacities available to the educational management of social networks, as appropriate tools for research, content feedback and integration of collaborative knowledge.
