Educational strategy for the reinforcement of the producers' mentality in the students of Agronomic Engineering.

  • Mayra Fernández Castañeda. Dimeri Piñeiro Esquivel. Amaury Rondón Aguilar. Diosmaris De La Caridad Vasallo Cristia. 
Keywords: Education in values, educational strategy, Agronomic Engineering


The present research addresses the problem of education in values in the Agricultural Engineering career. Its objective is aimed at developing an educational strategy that allows, with its application, to promote the process of education in the values of hard work and responsibility in that career for the reinforcement of the producers' mentality. The results are specified in an educational strategy for the reinforcement of the producers' mentality in the students of the Agronomy Engineering career through the strengthening of the values of industriousness and responsibility involving students, professors, specialists and institutions of the territory, from a position active, which is unprecedented in the development of this career.
